ZingBees Privacy Policy

Effective Date: February 27, 2012.

Intoiit, LLC (hereinafter "ZingBees") takes your privacy seriously and has adopted this Privacy Policy (hereinafter "Privacy Policy") to inform you of its collection, disclosure, and use of personal and personally identifiable information through your use of the ZingBees.com website and associated content (hereinafter "Website").

ZingBees may, from time to time, change, modify, amend, or replace this Privacy Policy. In the event that ZingBees changes, modifies, amends, or replaces this Privacy Policy, the Effective Date located above will change. Your use of the Website after a change in the Effective Date constitutes your manifestation of assent to any change, modification, amendment, or replacement of this Privacy Policy and the terms contained therein.

  1. Information Collected

    ZingBees may collect personal or personally identifiable information from you through your use of the Website, which may include but is not limited to your first name, last name, address, email address, date of birth, country, business name, website URL, IP address, geographical location, comments, links, posts, threads, feedback, reviews, photographs, interests, and preferences (collectively "Personal Information").

    ZingBees may collect Personal Information from you through various channels, including but not limited to through your voluntary submission of information to the Website, through the collection and analysis of information concerning your computer and browsing activities, through the use of cookies, web beacons, and pixel tags, and through other sources permitted by law.

  2. Use of Personal Information

    ZingBees may use Personal Information collected from you to provide you with the Website, to respond to requests that you have initiated, to customize the Website or its associated services, to improve your experience on the Website, and to communicate with you to update you on ZingBees's Website or services.

    By providing any Personal Information to ZingBees, you understand and agree that ZingBees will collect and process your Personal Information in the United States; you provide your unequivocal consent to the collection and processing of your Personal Information in the United States.

    ZingBees may share your Personal Information: (1) with third parties where it has obtained your consent; (2) with third party service providers to provide you with services initiated at your request; (3) with ZingBees's parents, subsidiaries, successors, and assigns; and (4) with ZingBees's business partners who offer services through or in association with the Website.

    Except as stated above, ZingBees will not sell, rent, lease, or transfer your Personal Information to any individual, business, or government entity except to respond to duly authorized information requests by government authorities, to respond to a duly authorized court order or subpoena, to protect the officers, directors, employees, shareholders, or independent contractors of ZingBees, or to help prevent against fraud or the violation of any applicable law, statute, regulation, ordinance, or treaty.

    The Personal Information that you provide to ZingBees may be displayed on your profile page, which may be accessible to all users of the Website. You may limit third parties' ability to view your Personal Information by changing your Member Account settings.

    You understand and agree that ZingBees is not responsible for any third party links, content, or communications sent to you from entities or individuals that ZingBees does not own or control. You are advised to review the privacy policies of all third party websites.

  3. Use of Cookies and Other Tracking Techniques

    ZingBees may collect Personal Information from you through the storage of data files on your computer called "cookies." These cookies allow the Website to recognize your computer when you revisit the Website. Additionally, ZingBees may collect Personal Information from you through the use of "session cookies," which help ZingBees track the pages that you visit during a single use of the Website to ensure that users are not required to re-enter their usernames and passwords upon accessing each page of the Website. These session cookies will expire once you leave the Website.

    Your web browser may provide you with the ability to block or limit cookies. If you object to ZingBees's use of cookies, you are advised to adjust your web browser's settings accordingly.

    ZingBees or its advertisers may also collect Personal Information from you through the use of pixel tags, web beacons, or other tracking techniques. This Personal Information may be used for advertising purposes, whether contextual or otherwise, and may be shared with ZingBees's advertisers to provide its advertisers with information on the demographics or preferences of the Website's users.

  4. Accuracy of Information, User Choice and Opt-Out

    In the event ZingBees allows you to create a Member Account, you will have the opportunity to update components of your Personal Information. You may opt-out of ZingBees's collection of your Personal Information by deleting your Member Account and by ceasing your use of the Website.

    You are responsible for ensuring that your Personal Information is accurate, complete, current, and relevant. You have an ongoing duty to inform ZingBees of any changes in your Personal Information.

  5. Protection and Storage of Personal Information

    ZingBees undertakes commercially reasonable procedures to help protect your Personal Information from disclosure. Though ZingBees takes the security of your Personal Information very seriously, ZingBees cannot guarantee that its servers and Website are completely secure. ZingBees uses commercially reasonable efforts to protect your Personal Information, but you provide any and all Personal Information at your own risk.

  6. Purchase or Sale of a Business Unit or Subsidiary

    ZingBees may, from time to time, purchase or sell a business unit or subsidiary. In the event ZingBees purchases or sells a business unit or subsidiary, your Personal Information may be transferred to a third party. If this occurs, your Personal Information will continue to be used consistent with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

  7. California Privacy Rights

    California residents have the right to receive information that identifies any third party companies or individuals that ZingBees has shared your Personal Information with in the previous calendar year, as well as a description of the categories of Personal Information disclosed to that third party. You may obtain this information once a year and free of charge by contacting ZingBees at privacy@zingbees.com.

  8. Contact and Notices

    All questions and concerns regarding this Privacy Policy may be directed to ZingBees, LLC by emailing privacy@zingbees.com.